Contact Us with no hesitation… We are here to listen to your concerns.


So, no need to keep scratching your head. Our friendly and knowledgeable team (Read About Us) is here to help. Whether you have a question or just want to chat about all things pet, we’d love to hear from you!


Fill out the quick and easy form below and we’ll get back to you faster than a squirrel can snatch a nut (okay, maybe a little slower, but you get the idea!).


If you want to submit your business, please don’t fill out this form. Click here to submit.



    You can also contact your concerned department: 


    1. [email protected]
    2. [email protected]
    3. [email protected]

    Still missing the right person! Get in touch via WhatsApp at +92 312 4158813


    Message From the Founder


    I hope all this will help you reach out to us for any questions, feedback, and concerns. We are available at your service. So, don’t hesitate and follow the option that best suits you.


    Thank You


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